
January 9, 2010

Happy New Year! welcome to the new decade

Happy new year to everyone! ( if there is anyone who is still reading this blog)

Well, it has been a long time since I updated my last post. Life has been crazy busy with school and work. I just got back from Japan. I had a wonderful time there with my family and friends.

so now it is time to restart this blog. One of my new year's resolutions, aside from eating healthy and trying to lose a couple of pounds ( as always listed in my lists..), I decided and I will be updating more frequently on this blog and try to get more traffics! I watched " Julie and Julia" on my way to japan on the plane, and it motivated to me to write more, well, not like Julia who constantly updated her project on daily basis, I would like to see myself posting once or twice a week.. this is more reasonable, I think. so my goal is to update at least 52 times a week. Deal? When I fail to do so, I will buy you a pint of beer!

When I was in Japan, I was complete exposed to new music that I haven't even listened to when I lived there. one band, Pia-no-Jac,composed with a pianist, and a drummer from japan, completely shocked me when I was browsing in a store. Amazing.

I cannot call myself as a fan of classic music. I don't prefer to listen to it compared to other types of music, but the arrange of these classic music by Pia-no-jac is amazing. I found myself liking these songs more and more.

So here is a music video of Pia-no-Jac's "The Blue Danube" Japanese title "美しく青きドナウ" its your time to experience the awesomeness of this band!!

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