
August 8, 2011

Song of the Day: The Artful Vandelays, Demon

Tonight! The Artful Vandelays will perform at the Horseshoe Tavern with The Higher Key and Willing to Pose!!! They are set to play at 10:15p.m tonight. This is a FREE show. Come join us for a great Monday night free show. Don't forget to bring your friends, a lot of them. The Door is at 9p.m.

Here is the deal. I will buy you a shot if:

1. You 'like' Music Psychos' Facebook page (you have to be a New 'like' of the page)

2. Come to the show

3. Find me in the crowd and say "I saw a post on Music Psychos" and tell me this password, 'awesome possum'

Be there and I will see you tonight!

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