
October 24, 2011

Most People, at Rancho Relaxo on October 22nd

Toronto based live music program, the Indie Machine put together a fun night with various indie bands including our beloved Artful Vandalys and the headliner of the night from Montreal, Solids on Saturday, October 22nd at Rancho Relaxo.

I would love to go on and on about Anton's silky hair, Bryen's nifty velvet jacket, so many guitar strings and picks that Bryen broke, the intimate conversation between Anton and Braedan and drunken audience at the very front, who danced their ass off, while dropping one of the heavy monitors on the ground, put it back and disappeared. However, there is something else that has to be noted from last night show. Toronto pop duo, Most People completely blew my mind with their insanely talented music performance. 

When two dudes with scruffy faces, covered with thick beards, showed up on the stage, I was still in the middle of conversation with my friends at the very back near the bar, adjudging that it was going to be a long wait until Artful Vandelays were going to be on. The moment the duo started striking the drums with mellifluous flow of melodies crafted between programmed synths and infectious guitar riffs and bass beats,  it gave me a second thought about the band and went up to the front. It was their winning game since then- I couldn't take my eyes off from the stage, fascinated by how only two guys can create such convoluted melodies. By the end of their performance, I noticed that there were so many people around me at the front all of a sudden, giving their applause. 

Most People had a postcard which I and Nick grabbed from the band after the show. It says 'Wishing you were here!"- That's exactly what I have to tell you all, who missed the show. You can still check out their music at their website or Facebook page, but I would definitely go back and see their performance again. 

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