
February 26, 2012

Interview with Ben Caplan and the Casual Smokers

Prior to his album release, In the Time of The Great Remembering, last fall, the encounter with Nova Scotia singer songwriter, Ben Caplan has completely changed my prospective toward solo artists. The dynamic of his performance exceeds what an individual can bring to the stage and his music steals my soul and ears for the entire set.  In fact, I've listed him in Top 5 performances of the year and have witnessed many of his Toronto shows since then.

If you know me well, you can easily imagine me going on and on about music that I am excited about. I've been singing his parises to all my friends, including my dear friend Bryen Shi. We were both lured to his musicianship. Bryen, I and some of my friends have interviewed Caplan (once again) from a different 180 degree angle, before one of his residency shows at the Supermarket.  Enjoy.

In the Time of the Great Remembering is available at and you can check out the insights from my last interview with him (Click here: part 1 and part 2)

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