
July 30, 2012

Sydney Wayser at the Supermarket on July 25th, 2012

Despite the terrible weather outside, thunderstorms and all, New York singer songwriter, Sydney Wayser lifted the air up with her  jubilant performance at the Supermarket on July 25th, 2012.

Shyly appearing on the stage with her fellas, the French-American songstress commenced crafting her jazz-infused beats filled with pop grips on her keyboard from her latest record, Bell Choir Coast. The uneasiness ceased from her face immediately after. She swayed herself  side to side with decorative vocal flourishing with the harmonies of the three piece on the stage. Her supporting band members, consisted of a guitarist and drummer, both created the chain of flawless verses, which coalesced in the middle with their minimal effort. 

To close the night, Wayser performed uplifting pop tune, Dream it up, which brightened up the air to the ceiling with boisterous tune, while jumping up and down. The audience at last started tapping and grooving the alluring tune simultaneously. I just wished that the stage wasn't occupied with all the tables and chairs up front. If it wasn't, it definitely had have created a hop step and jump right up at the front. 

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