
March 13, 2014

Neil Young Brings PONO to the World

Hello everyone from Austin, TX!

I've been here enjoying SXSW since last Wednesday. I have already seen some awesome performances and I cannot wait to share my experience here on musicpsychos with you guys!

I've been really inspired while I've been here. I've seen Jason Batemen, Jeffery Tampor, Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein from Portlandia in the last few days. Despite the differences in their genres, everyone has a common theme. " If you are passionate about something, stick to it and one day people will notice you as you are good at what you are passionate about it." 

My biggest inspiration so far is Neil Young's interview on Tuesday, March 11th. He talked about his new project, PONO, which is a device that the audience can finally enjoy the real sound of music from the recording. (ultra-high resolution recordings of 192kHz/24 bit)

He cares and loves Music so much that he dedicated himself to invest in this amazing device. You can find out the details from the below video.

PONO Kickstarter from pono on Vimeo.

you can still pledge on Kickstarter! Chick here to be the part of this amazing move to the future of music

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